Cub Scout Pack 339

Prior Lake, Minnesota - Chartered by Prior Lake VFW Post 6208

Join/Renew for 2022-2023

BSA Registration opens July 5, 2022

Join scouts or renew your current membership now!

Doing so ASAP provides our pack and Charter (VFW) with accurate numbers.

This allows leadership to budget events and activities for this year.

It also lowers dues and increases amounts that can be spent on activities as the VFW gives the pack $40/registered scout.


New/Renewing scouts to Pack 339 receive a Pinewood Derby car and small give (TBD).

This will be given at a pack meeting in November or December upon payment of pack dues.

Pack Logo

Pack 339 Dues and Costs: 

$180 Yearly Council / BSA dues paid directly to BSA.

$130* Yearly Pack dues cover Aug 1 - Aug 1  (Due Nov 15). $150 if Council/BSA dues are not paid by Oct 1.

Multi Cub Family Discounts for Pack Dues:

2 Cubs $165.00 New Families of Pack 339 
2 Cubs $195* Renewing Families 

*Less $40.00 (total) for each year after if volunteer hours are met.


Items covered with Pack dues

12 Pack meetings a year, one each month with activities/supplies/games provided

Awards: Belt Loops, patches.

Subsidized fee's for external Pack activities

Sept Kick Off Event - Food provided

Fall Campout - subsidized.

Free large Pumpkin for the pumpkin decorating contest

Pinewood Derby Car Kit 

Pack purchased equipment use for building cars

5 $8 tickets for Scouts Pancake breakfast

       And More!


Additional Events, fee-based, see specific activities for costs
We provide two optional opportunities for fundraisers to help cover costs. They are our Popcorn fundraiser and Wreath Sales and are held in September and October. These fundraisers are very successful for us and can cover the cost of all Scouting incurred costs. Proceeds from the fundraisers go into your childs Scout Account that we keep track of for you. It can be used for any Scout incurred cost (including dues) and will follow your child throughout their time in Scouting.

Buck Hill Tubing

Polar Cub’s Day Camp at Camp Phillipo in Cannon Falls, Mn. (not subsidized)
Activities include:
• Tubing
• Hot Cocoa
• Snow Forts
• Snow Games
• Broomball
• LEGO Car Races
• more tbd..

Summer Camp weekend camps, at Camp Phillipo in Cannon Falls, Mn.(not subsidized)
Activities include:
• Swimming
• Boating
• B.B. Gun
• Archery
• Crafts
• Games
• Nature

We offer many more opportunities during the year for events offered to us from the local Scout Council, District, and other Packs. We will post these as available.

We also offer “Camperships” for those needing assistance with Scouting costs (e.g. Pack Dues) and have 2 of these budgeted for the year. We do not want financial issues to be the reason a Scout cannot participate.

The Council/BSA dues can also be paid based on financial need and information will be supplied in email sent by them.

The Cub and guardian must participate in our Popcorn Fundraiser to qualify for Pack Dues Camporships. Please see a Pack or Den leader if you would like more information.

Due to the amount of time required for the roles, the following positions will have 1 scout yearly dues waived (after the first year of service)

Cubmaster, Committee Chair, Activity/Camping Chair


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